The venue, Marie Selby Gardens is located in downtown Sarasota. Any hotel or airbnb location that is centered in the downtown area will be conveniently close to the venue.
What time should we arrive to the venue?
Guests may arrive starting at 5pm the day of the wedding. The Ceremony will start at 5:30pm. Please do not arrive late for the ceremony.
How do I get to the wedding venue?
Uber and Lyft rides are readily available in the Sarasota area. We will also provide a trolley that will pick up guests at select locations. The Trolley schedule will be provided as soon as possible.
Where are the best places to stay in the area?
Can I bring my children?
Yes. Details tbd
What do I need to know about a outdoor event in Florida?
If you are prone to bug bites, please use a mosquito repellent. The venue is located on the bay with lots of foliage making mosquito bites plentiful. Sunscreen is always recommended.
Weather wise, October evenings in Sarasota are clear and sunny with an average temperature of 76-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Only the Ceremony and cocktail house will be held outdoors. The reception will take place indoors.